What We Do

Design and Production

C&CS is available to design publications, such as postcards, brochures, booklets, self-mailers, and more. Design requires at least two weeks to create (longer for more complex projects). If printing is required, additional delivery time should be expected.

Clients must provide unformatted content that has already been reviewed and approved as final, images (as appropriate), target audience profile, quantities, and budget information.

Once project draft is delivered, one round of edits will be allowed.


Editorial support ranges from original composition of stories, web news posts, and publication content to proofreading, rewriting, and tweaking copy. Clients requiring editorial support must be prepared to identify target audience, key messages, and goals and objectives for communication.


C&CS relaunched purchase.edu in 2017, built using the content management system LiveWhale. Our institutional goal is to maintain a fresh and authentic crowd-sourced website with new content posted regularly. Our credibility with visitors relies on accurate and current information, and we in turn rely on the roughly 150 content editors across campus to keep the site updated.


C&CS does not employ a staff photographer. Any department wishing to engage a photographer to document special events, compose portraits or headshots, or other specific purposes, should submit a project request.

Please note: fulfillment of photography requests is dependent upon student photographer availability.

Media Relations

Public relations support is available for campus entities with news to share and performances or events to promote which may be of interest to the public. With sufficient advanced notice, we can help you engage traditional and digital media outlets and provide support with press releases, op-eds, social media, media pitches, and advertising buys for newsworthy items.