Project Request Form

Important Notes

To allow us to help facilitate your project more smoothly and efficiently…

  • Submit this form only when all content — including text and images — related to your project are final and approved by your department head.
  • Requests enter the queue based on the order of submission, with priority given to projects relevant to the college’s recruitment and enrollment efforts.
  • We require at least three weeks notice for all projects.
  • To ensure brand consistency and integrity, C&CS has the final say on creative decisions after consideration and discussion.
  • You will be allowed to submit up to one round of edits after receiving the initial draft of your project.
  • C&CS does not create banner/header images for the broadcast email system (BEM).

A team member will be in touch once we review your submission.

Printed Stationery Requests

If you need college stationery (letterhead, envelopes, or business cards), you may order these items through Composite Print.

Initiate A Project Request

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

required text field
required checkbox field
Project Type*
Check all that apply.
required e-mail address field
required text field
required text field
required textarea field
Documents may also be uploaded below.
required radio button field
Is project related to an event? If so, please provide Event Date below.*
date field
required date field
At least two-weeks notice is required. If your project is related to an event, C&CS reserves the right to adjust the deadline based on the event date.
required checkbox field
Payment Method (if applicable)*
Payment required for in-house printing or other expenses incurred.
text field
file attachment field
Image: .jpg or .pdf | Document: .doc or .rtf (unformatted)
(50 MB max)
file attachment field
Image: .jpg or .pdf | Document: .doc or .rtf (unformatted)
(50 MB max)
required radio button field
By submitting this form, I acknowledge that all content provided is complete, final, and approved by my department head.*
Please note: we cannot start work on any incomplete projects submitted.