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Resume/Cover Letter

The main purpose of a resume and cover letter is to persuade a potential employer to interview you.

The resume is a summary of your abilities, accomplishments, and experiences. The guides below are an introduction to writing your basic job/internship search resume.  

Here are some quick tips:

  • One-page resumes are preferred for most fields. (Two-page resumes are appropriate if you have a great deal of relevant experience.)
  • Keep your formatting clear and consistent.
  • Have others proofread for clarity, grammar, and spelling. (Make an appointment with a Career Counselor.)
  • There are two basic resume formats reverse chronological and functional. Artists may also consider using an infographic format or a resume that demonstrates one’s creative skills.

Career counselors can help students draft and edit effective and persuasive resumes and cover letters as they begin their job or internship search. The guides below are intended as an introduction; students are strongly encouraged to work with a counselor to fine-tune their resume and cover letters prior to beginning a job or internship search.

General Resume Guidelines
General Cover Letter Guidelines
Self-Marketing & Resumes: Job & Internship Seeker’s Guide
Self-Branding and Resumes:  Artist’s Guide

Resume Writing Do’s and Don’ts

Check out all the videos on the Resume Writing channel on CandidCareer

Preparing a Cover Letter

Check out all the videos on the Cover Letter channel on CandidCareer