Our Hours Today:

Using the Registration System

Step 1

Use the Course Search to find classes.

Step 2

In MyHeliotrope inside the Student menu, choose Registration then Add or Drop Classes NEW.

Image shows MyHeliotrope, Student menu selected with Registration sub-menu open. Add or Drop Classes NEW is circled in red.

Step 3

Choose Register for Classes.

Student registration menu with register for classes circled in red.

Step 4

Select the upcoming term.

Select a term with Fall 2023 chosen

Step 5

Enter your Alternate PIN Select a term menu with Alternate PIN dialog box circled in red. Six digit PIN has been entered

Step 6

Understanding the system panes: use the arrow buttons to resize the Summary, Schedule, and Search panes and the dot button to expand the Summary and Schedule panes.

Register for classes screen with pane resizing buttons circled in red

The Summary Pane shows your current schedule.

Summary pane is circled in red

The Schedule Pane shows your day-by-day schedule.

The Schedule pane is circled in red. Classes are displayed in purple on a grid.

The Schedule Details tab shows your detailed schedule including building, room number, and instructor name.

The Schedule Details tab is circled in red.

Step 7

Add classes using the Enter CRNs tab: using the CRNs from the Course Search, enter the CRNs here. Click Add to Summary when you are finished.

The Enter CRNs tab is selected and circled in red. The CRN for a History course is entered in the first box.

Classes are Pending in the Summary pane until you click the Submit button. You are not registered for the class until you click Submit.

A History course is added to the Summary pane. The pending status is circled in red. The submit button is circled in red.

You are registered when the Status is listed as Registered in green.

In the Summary pane, the status of the History class is changed to registered. Registered is green and circled in red.

Registration errors caused by the class being closed, missing prerequisites, incorrect major, or class standing will be listed in red. Click the Submit button again to remove the class from your Summary.

In the Summary pane, an Archaeology class is listed. The error status is shown in red. The Action menu reads remove. Both are circled in red

Students may join the Waitlist for a closed class by choosing Waitlist from the Action drop-down menu and clicking Submit. We do not recommend that First-Year students join waitlists. Please note that you may not join a waitlist for any class for which you do not meet the prerequisites, major or class standing. Conflicts with existing classes will also prevent you from joining a waitlist.

Archaeology course is listed in red. In the Action menu, Waitlist is selected and circled in red

Step 8

Dropping a Class: Choose Web Drop from the Action drop-down menu. Click Submit.  You will be dropped from the class immediately. If the class is closed, you may not be able to get back into the class so make sure that you really intend to drop the class before hitting Submit. 

Action menu with Web Drop selected, Web Drop is circled in red.

First Year Students, Do Not Drop These Courses:

  • Any course with an EDG prefix
  • College Writing and College Writing Lab (EOP)
  • Biology Freshman Seminar
  • Intro Level courses for your major

Step 9

Check your total number of credits: students need a minimum of 12 credits to be full-time, but some forms of financial aid and scholarships require more. 

Summary pane shows credit total circled in red