Fall 2022

Acting Collage  A Look Back at Acting

And the throughlines that persist.

Janet Rolle / ABT Logo Janet Rollé '84

The story of a dancer turned CEO who forged a path that led full circle to CEO of American Ballet Theatre.


Suellen Peluso '77

  Suellen Peluso '77 The Suellen McAvoy Peluso ’77 Scholarship in the Natural Sciences honors Professor Emeritus Lee Ehrman’s scientific brilliance and nurturing spirit.

   From left: Amelia Whitehurst '22 (Biology, Chemistry minor) and students Felicia Conheady (Biology, Environmental Studies minor), Suha... Dna, Ducks, and the NSF The Unlikely Merging of Science and Sport

Science Symposium A Hallmark of the Purchase Science Experience

Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Gender Studies Lisa Jean Moore with a goat The Interdisciplinary Detective

Professor Lisa Jean Moore and Spider Goats

Norway Study Abroad

Study Abroad in Norway There’s No Better Place Than Europe’s Green Capital