Study Zones

The Library is divided into three areas or zones by noise level: Silent, Quiet, and Group.  To view a map of study zone locations and review the rules for each zone, please see Maps & Study Zones

The Library’s Noise and Study Zone Policy was enacted in response to comments made by our patrons on the Spring 2012 Library Survey. Noise level and lack of quiet spaces to work was the single most frequent complaint from students, faculty, and staff who took the Library Survey. Subsequent Library Surveys (in 2014 & 2016) have shown a significant reduction in noise complaints, and student feedback on these surveys lead the Library to create “Own Your Zone” cards to help members of the community self-advocate and handle noise concerns in a discreet, respectful manner.

We encourage library patrons to use “Own Your Zone” cards to politely remind loud or noisy peers to quiet down in Silent and Quiet study zones. These cards can be found in holders at the Circulation and Reference Desks and returned here after they’re used. You can also text the Library at (914) 873-1711 with your location, and a staff member will come to address the noise problem.

Please respect the rules of each study zone and be mindful of your peers. While the Library staff will do its best to enforce this policy, we need the cooperation of the entire community.