Maps & Study Zones

Main Collection Map

The Main Collection is located on the lower level of the Library and contains books with all call numbers except for N, TR-TT, and all oversized books. All bound periodicals are located in the Main Collection.

Art Book Collection Map

The Art Book Collection is located on the second floor and contains all books with call numbers N, TR-TT, and all oversized books. All Folio Collection books are also located on the second floor. 

Music Collection Map

The Music Collection is located on the first floor of the Library and contains music scores, CDs, and LPs. Music books with call numbers M1-M6 and ML-MT are located in the Main Collection on the lower level.

Library & Study Zones Map

The Library divided into three areas or zones by noise level: Silent, Quiet, and Group. For the locations and rules of conduct for each zone, please see the Study Zones guide.