ADA Tip Header with checkmark
All videos must be close-captioned. is the recommended captioning service. Videos can be captioned for $1/minute in 24 hours. Here is a quick guide for using to closed caption video files.

Use this button to add video to your page.

To add video to your page:

  1. Click the red + button in the editor toolbar to “insert  content”
  2. Select Video/Media
  3. Paste in your video’s URL

After adding the URL, your video will not yet appear in the preview pane—it will instead appear as a large gray box. The video and its controls will appear when you save and publish the page.



  1. Click “Insert this media.”
  2. You will see a placeholder indicating where the media will display in your editable field.
  3. To save changes for the page, click the “Save Changes” button.