The Home Page

Everything on the home page is curated by the Homepage group (except for the home page tabs).

Hero Images

Home page images need to be high quality and expressive. Up to 5 different images can be displayed in the rotation.

Adding Hero Images

To hero images, go to the Homepage group —>  select Images —>  select Homepage Hero Images.

Images uploaded to this collection will be cropped to 1410 x 650 pixels. Keep the focus area of the image in the center because the image is displayed at a slightly shorter height on shorter screens.

Remember to add a caption to the image. This will be displayed in the overlay that slides out from the right hand side. Again, this will be shorter on smaller screens, so it’s important to keep the caption within the space provided by the white box. If you copy and paste text into the caption, use the “Tx” button to clear formatting. Even if you are not seeing an issue, take this step regardless to avoid problems with the home page.

Finally, when it’s time to reveal the new home page image to the world, star the image to display it on the home page. The top 5 starred images will be displayed. Any images that are not starred, are grayed-out in the Home Page Hero Image manager.

Hero Image Rotation

The rotation of home page hero images is updated in widget 158 in the Website Admin group.

The rotation on the home page is a two-part process.

First, select the sort order.

Default sort (last modified) * Currently set to this.
Random order
Oldest to top
Newest to top
Most tags matched

Once the sort order is defined, the first image is random (two-part process). This is not related to the sort selected (above) and cannot be adjusted in the widget.  By starting with a random image, one of the older images may appear first but it will cycle through in the selected sort order. This prevents a stale home page.

*Starting the sort with newest image is strongly discouraged because this would result in return visitors always seeing the same hero image.

Note: The odds for an image to be a start image are 1 in 5 (if there are 5 images in the rotation).

Note: Starring an image is considered a modification.

Think Wide Open

The Think Wide Open bar on the home page displays starred news stories, starred video stories, and starred galleries.

The news stories are selected from the top 30 starred stories in the homepage group. The galleries are selected from the top 20 starred galleries in the homepage group.

You can use balloons to move stories and galleries to the top to ensure they get priority.  However, this does not affect the order they appear in on the home page. Think Wide Open cards are displayed in random order that changes (roughly) each time the page is refreshed.

For more information on editing and adding content to Think Wide Open, visit the Think Wide Open help page.

Home Page Tabs

Content in the tabs at the bottom of the home page is managed from 4 different groups:

Today At Purchase

Everything on the Today at Purchase tab comes from the Homepage group.

The middle column displays a starred event with an image, occurring today, from the Homepage group.

If there’s no starred event with an image, then it shows up to 3 upcoming events without images from the Homepage group.

The last column shows a starred announcement from the Homepage group, displayed at random. You could have a few announcements ready to go, and only star the ones you’d like to show.

If there’s no announcement and if there is a starred event, the last column will show 3 upcoming events without images from the Homepage group.

Apply For Admission

Everything on the Admissions tab comes from the Admissions group.

The first column shows a starred “Home Page Apply For Admission Blurb” from the Admissions group.

The second column shows up to 3 events with event type “deadline” from the Admissions group.

The last column shows an alumni outcomes image and link to the full story.

Neuberger Museum of Art

Everything on the Neuberger tab comes from the Neuberger group.

The first column shows the museum hours and a random starred announcement from the Neuberger group.

The Neuberger group should always have a starred upcoming event with an image for the second column.
It does not fall back to anything since we’re already showing upcoming events in the last column.

The starred event is randomized. To show a particular starred event, tag the event with ”featured.”

The last column shows up to 3 upcoming unstarred events from the Neuberger group.

The Performing Arts Center

Everything on the Performing Arts Center tab comes from the Performing Arts Center

The PAC group should always have a starred upcoming event with an image for the first column.
It does not fall back to anything since we’re already showing upcoming events in the second column. 

The starred event is randomized. To show a particular starred event, tag the event with “featured.”

The second column shows up to 3 upcoming unstarred events from the PAC group.

The last column shows days/times when the box office is open (PAC office hours) and a starred announcement from the PAC group (which is optional).