Sitewide Alerts

Alerts are powered by the Rave RSS feed. You can trigger an Alert on the website by sending a message from the Rave system and including the RSS channel.  You can manage alerts by going to the Alerts group in the CMS.

To turn the alert off, send a second Rave RSS message with the words “Alert Off”
Alternatively, switch into the Alerts group, go to Blurbs > Alert Messages and make it hidden.

How the alerts work

Whenever there’s an item in the RAVE RSS feed, a bright red alert is displayed at the top of the website.

To manage the alerts, switch into the Alerts group. Go to Blurbs > Alert Messages.

Make a blurb live to show it; give it a star to show it on every page sitewide.

There’s a blurb for each RAVE alert. When the RAVE RSS feed contains the message body “Alert Off” the alert will be turned off.

Displaying an alert on the homepage only

Switch into the Alerts group. Go to Blurbs > Alert Messages and make sure the alert is not starred.

If you create a new alert, enter your alert text into the blurb body. You can include links if you like.

When you are ready to display the alert, set the status to “live”. The alert will be displayed at the top of the homepage, provided there are currently no live sitewide alerts.

Displaying an alert site-wide

Switch into the Alerts group. Go to Blurbs > Alert Messages and make sure the alert is starred.

Starred alerts display on every page of the site. They will override any live homepage alerts.

When you are ready to display the alert, set the status to “live”.