Level 3 - Programs

There are two components to programs: the program card, which gets displayed on the school or conservatory homepage, and the program group, which owns all the pages associated with that program. 

To edit the About the Program page, the Program Requirements page or the Student Learning Outcomes page, go to the program card and change the corresponding section.

Program cards

Program cards, also known as Academic Program profiles, live in the Academics group. Cards can be managed by users with access to the Academics group.

The program card links to the program homepage (the homepage for the program group).

The cards hold information like the program requirements, about the program, the department the program belongs to, and the color used on the website. 

Go to the Academics group —>  select Profiles —>  select Academic Programs (or Continuing Education or Youth and Precollege). See the full list of program card options for more information on each section of the program card.

Note: Make sure the public name matches the individual profile’s sub-division checkbox when creating and/or editing a profile type.

The image displayed on each program card can be changed by editing the card. Select the program card to edit. Click on the image in the top left, remove the current image, and upload a new one (see screenshot). The program card image must be at least 450 x 287px and is center-cropped.


How to change the program name

Step 1

If you only need to change the name displayed on the program card, you can skip the remaining steps and just do Step 1.

From the Academics group go to  Profiles —>  Academic Programs (or Continuing Education or Youth and Precollege)

Select the program profile you’d like to edit. Change the card title or profile title (whichever is filled in).


Step 2 

To change the name displayed at the top of the program, you must first change the program name on contributing faculty profiles.

Go to the “Meet Our Faculty” page for the program whose name you want to change. Look for Contributing Faculty.

For each contributing faculty member, open their profile, then select “Edit this item” in the LiveWhale toolbar. 

Scroll down their profile to edit the “Contributing Board of Study” field. Replace the old program name with the new program name. Make sure to leave any other program names intact.

Note: if the new program name has a comma, you may run into issues displaying contributing faculty members. For this reason, it is always best to choose a program name without a comma.


Step 3 

Now we’re ready to change the name displayed at the top of the program pages.

Go to Superpowers —> Groups and select the program group to edit. Change the Public Name of the group. 

You can optionally change the group full name as well, to make it easier to find the program in LiveWhale.


Step 4

This step is optional and may cause some links to the program to break.

You can change the program web address to match the new program name if needed.

For example, change the program URL path from “/academics/art-history” to “/academics/art-history-and-conservation”

Go to Superpowers —> Groups and select the program group to edit. Change the last segment of the Web address.

Then go to the Superpowers —> File Browser and navigate to the program folder in the file browser. Rename the directory to match the new web address for the group. 

Then go to the program card. From the Academics group go to Profiles —>  Academic Programs. Select the program profile and change the profile link to match the new web address.


Step 3: Change the group public name and Step 4 (optional): Change the web address Step 3: Change the group public name and Step 4 (optional): Change the web address



Step 4 (optional): Rename the group directory Step 4 (optional): Rename the group directory




How to set up a new academic program

Academic programs

Most Academic Programs have their own, individual group, with their own homepage.

Masters programs

Some masters programs are set up as a subpage of the main program group, such as “Art History, MA” which is a subpage of the “Art History” group. In this case, the url is three levels deep (e.g. /academics/art-history/art-history-ma/). Use the Level 3 - Program Inside Page template for the masters page.

Other programs

Some programs have a unique setup. Refer to the individual help pages below:


Setting up the program group

The first step is to set up the program group and the group homepage.

Go to Superpowers —> Groups then Add a new group.

Give the group a title. Use the format Program: Your Program Name.

Set the group Public Name to the name of the program (Your Program Name). This name will be displayed at the top of all program pages.

Set the group web address. For Academic Programs, the homepage must be two levels deep in the url (e.g. /academics/art-history/).

Youth and Precollege Programs, Continuing Education Programs, or Instrumental Performance Programs have a unique url structure - view separate help pages for guidance on setting up those programs.

Set the group index page template to  Level 3 - Program Landing Page

Set the default template for new pages to Level 3 - Program Inside Page

Under Group template access choose specific templates, and select all of the Level 3 - Program templates.

Save the new group.


Setting up the program card

From the Academics group go to  Profiles —>  Academic Programs (or Continuing Education or Youth and Precollege)

Add a new profile for the program. Make sure the profile link matches the web address for the group.

Note: for masters programs that are set up as subpages, make sure the profile link points to the masters program page.

Note: “School of the Arts” programs cards with masters programs must be tagged: SOA Graduate Programs

Program card options

  • To re-order cards on the school/conservatory homepage, add or remove balloons from the card.
  • Tag a card with “hidden” to hide it from displaying on the Academics page, but still display it in search results.
  • Profile link: set the profile link to point to the program homepage (if you change an existing Profile link, you must change the Group directory too).
  • Card Title: if you’d like the program card to display a different version of the program title, you can use this optional field to control the title displayed on the card. Otherwise, the program profile title is displayed on the card.
  • Official Program Description:  This is displayed on the About the Program page.
  • Academic Requirements: this is displayed on the requirements pages for Academic Programs. The Requirements pages must use the “Level 3- Program Major Requirements” or“Level 3- Program Minor Requirements”  template.
  • Student Learning Outcomes: this is displayed on Student Learning Outcomes pages that use the “Level 3- Program SLO Page” template.
  • Program Color (in the right sidebar): this color is used on program pages and program cards. It sets the “accent” color for each program.
  • Major or Minor: the degree level is displayed as a label on each program card and in the program header.
    For cases where the masters program is a subpage of the bachelor program, labels from both programs are displayed in the program header.
  • Degree Type: the degree type is also displayed as a label on each program card and in the program header.
  • School: the selected school determines which school the program is displayed on. It’s also used to set the school in the program page breadcrumbs.
  • Division: the selected division is used to set the division in the program page breadcrumbs. 


Program Templates

Program homepage

There are two layout options for the program homepage:

Level 3 - Program Landing Page 1 

Displays one header image at the top of the page and space for a video at the top of the right sidebar.
The header image is is 870 x 355px and center-cropped. Upload an image to the program group and tag it with “header image

Note: all Youth, Precollege, and Continuing Education homepages have this layout. They all use the template Level 3 - Youth and CE Program Landing Page.

Level 3 - Program Landing Page 2

Displays two header images. 
The left image is 1000 x 306px center-cropped. Tag the image with “header image left
The right image is 500 x 306px center-cropped. Tag it with “header image right”

Program inside pages

Most pages besides the homepage use the program inside page template. 

Level 3 - Program Inside Page

This template can be used for any program page other than the program homepage. For masters programs, you may choose to set up the masters program as a subpage of the main program group, in which case you should use this at the master program homepage template.  

Level 3 - Program Courses Page

Automatically displays courses for the program from Banner Student.

Level 3 - Program Major Requirements

Automatically displays major requirements as listed in the program card.

Level 3 - Program Minor Requirements

Automatically displays minor requirements as listed in the program card.

Level 3 - Program SLO Page

Automatically displays Student Learning Outcomes as listed in the program card.

Level 3 - Music Program Requirements

Automatically displays specific Music requirements for each music program.


Program filters

Programs cards can be sorted by major/minor, degree type, or tag. Each filter is displayed half-width, so it’s a good idea to display two filters side by side.

It is possible to change the “Sort by…” text on the filters, or change the first option displayed in the box, but these changes should be made carefully since any changes will be applied to ALL schools.

To filter by major/minor: 

Edit the school homepage, and add the widget Filter: Sort by Major Minor above the program cards. 

Make sure the major/minor checkbox is checked on the program cards. The filter will automatically detect what options are available to choose from and display them in the dropdown. 

To filter by degree type:

Edit the school homepage, and add the widget Filter: Sort by Degree above the program cards. 

Make sure the degree checkbox is checked on the program cards. The filter will automatically detect what degree types are available to choose from and display them in the dropdown. 

To filter by category (tags):

Edit the school homepage, and add the widget Filter: Sort by Category above the program cards. The filter will automatically detect what tags are available to choose from and display them in the dropdown. 

To add tags to the program cards:

Under the Academics group, go to Academic Programs, and along the right side you can filter profiles by School. Then you can check multiple programs and choose “Apply tag…” from the dropdown.

Note: “School of the Arts” programs cards with masters programs must be tagged: SOA Graduate Programs

Adding tags to programs.