
The Current Students and Faculty and Staff portals are managed by the Portals group.

Most of the content on these pages can be edited by simply editing the page. 

To add announcements, events, stories, or frequently asked questions to the portal pages, add it to the Portals group, either by sharing it to the Portals group or creating it in the Portals group.

Tag the content with “for students” to display it on the Students portal and/or tag it with “for staff” to display it on the Faculty and Staff portal.

The Think Wide Open bar displays tagged stories with images, and tagged events with images on each portal page.

The news stories are selected from the top 30 starred stories in the Portals group. The events are selected from the top 20 starred galleries in the Portals group. You can use balloons to ensure a story or event is prioritized.

View the Think Wide Open help page for more information about the Think Wide Open bar.