Creating BEM Templates

Broadcast emails can be an effective way to share important information with a large audience. Templates offer content editors an efficient method for delivering messages.

Required Steps to Begin Process

  • Secure header graphic that meets requirements from requester.
  • Create thumbnail. You cannot save without it.
  • Ask requester to identify templates to archive.

Header Image

  • Size header image to 700 pixels in width and append name with _700. It can be 72 dpi.
  • Need jpg and not a png.
  • Create file name with description to match with thumbnail name.
  • The system will not allow you to upload an image with the same name.
  • The system will not allow you to replace an image.
  • If you need to replace an image, you must upload with a different name and then update the template where it is used.

Thumbnail Image

  • 180x166 pixels at 300 dpi. The BEM system will distort a 72 dpi image.
  • Border is 2px, #999999.
  • Size the header so it’s 180px wide.
  • Screenshot the department footer and add.
  • Text: Calibri, Bold, 4-5pt, Strong. VA width varies up to 50.
  • Naming Convention Prefix: th-
  • Name on thumbnail banner should reflect naming convention for group.
  • You can overwrite the thumbnail after the template has been saved.

How to Create a BEM Template

  1. Log in to BEM.
  2. Click Edit Templates from the side menu and not top menu.
  3. Go to the Add New Template dropdown to get DEPT – GENERAL – TITLE – NEW DYNAMIC TEMP – FOOTER or a department’s existing dynamic template and click Go.
    *The benefit of copying an existing dynamic template from a group is that the footer will be specific to the group.
  4. Copy the html.
  5. Go back to the Add a New Template dropdown and click Go.
  6. Paste the html in the corresponding field.
  7. If creating a new BEM template from scratch, the following is necessary (with double hyphen) for users to add content:
    <!— —contentregion1— —><!— —/contentregion1— —>
  8. Upload the header image through the dashboard (second icon from right).
  9. Click Preview. Make sure ampersands appear correctly and don’t add extra code.
  10. Choose a Department from the dropdown menu.
  11. Create a Template Title consistent with other departmental titles. Do not use special characters, spaces, and plus signs. The name of the thumbnail  image is overwritten with the name of the template.
  12. Upload a 180 x 166 pixel thumbnail at 300 dpi.
  13. Click Save.
  14. Go back to main screen and create test email. You need to add content. -Should not be one continuous string.
  15. Send test email to yourself without saving.
  16. Spoof the user to confirm that user has access to the new template.

Updated on 2025-02-04 and verified accessible by s. gentile.