Creating BEM Templates

How to create a BEM Template

  1. Log into BEM with your single sign-on college credentials.
  2. Once logged in, click Edit Templates from the side menu.
  3. Go to the Add New Template field.
    *It is highly recommended that you copy the html from an existing dynamic template rather than create a new template from scratch.
  4. Use the drop down to get to  DEPT – GENERAL – TITLE – NEW DYNAMIC TEMPLATE BLANK or a department’s existing dynamic template and click Go.
    *The benefit of using a department’s existing dynamic template is that the footer is included.
  5. Copy the html.
  6. Go back to Add a New Template and  click Go.
  7. Paste the html in the corresponding field.
  8. Add the following when creating a new BEM template from scratch.
    <!— —contentregion1— —><!— —/contentregion1— —>
    *This is a double hyphen. The content region is necessary for users to add content.
  9. Upload an image to the BEM system (preferred) through the Insert Image Upload dialogue box (second icon from right in WYSIWYG) or upload to LiveWhale and copy the path and input into the html.
  10. Click Preview to review. Make sure ampersands appear correctly and don’t add extra code.
  11. Choose a Department from the drop down menu.
  12. Create a Template Title consistent with other departmental titles. Do not use special characters, spaces, and plus signs. The name of the thumbnail gets overwritten with the name of the template.
    (This was not the case in the past. Therefore Art + Design no longer works as a template name because it breaks the thumbnail link.)
  13. Upload a 180 x 166 pixel thumbnail at 300 dpi. You cannot save without it.
    *72 dpi results in a blurry image.
  14. Click Save.
  15. Go back to main screen and create test email by acting as the user.

Additional Notes

  • Request a header image of 700 pixels in width from Communications & Creative Services. It can be 72 dpi.
  • A thumbnail image should be a screen shot of the template. You may have to create a screen shot thumbnail after the template is saved and replace the original thumbnail.
  • Taxonomy for thumbnails is th-
  • Groups see templates specific to their group.
  •  Templates are created for repeated use. ‘One-off’ image only templates are unacceptable  because they are not for repeated use and because they they do not meet ‘accessibility guidelines.’  Images should not include text.

Updated  on 03/18/20 and verified accessible by s. gentile.