
What are Blurbs?

Blurbs are exactly what they sound like— chunks of content that don’t need the grandeur of a news story and aren’t date- or time-centric like events. What can you do with Blurbs?

  • Create simple FAQs with Blurbs by listing the question as the title and the answer as the body.
  • Make a quick campus map by geo-tagging a bunch of Blurbs.
  • Do a random fact with Blurbs in which the body is a link to the answer deeper in your site.
  • Add College Policies with blurbs by tagging and selecting the policy college policy blurb type. 

Using blurbs in LiveWhale

The following are links to instructional documents on the LiveWhale CMS help site.

Blurb Types


Add My Announcements to display the top  3 announcements from your group. You can order the announcements using balloons. The first two lines of the announcement are displayed with a link to keep reading more.

Office Hours

For offices, the top “live” hours are automatically displayed in the office header. 

Other groups can display their hours by adding one of the following widgets:

  • Hours Today
    This displays today’s hours with a clock. It shows the top “live” hours.
  • Hours for the Whole Week. 
    This displays a listing of hours for the week. It shows the top “live” hours.
  • Hours: Seasonal Hours
    Use this if you wish to display Summer Hours and Regular Hours, for example. It shows multiple listings and will display any hours set to “live.”

You can set the status to “live” or “hidden” for different hours, depending which set of hours you’d like to display. Hours can be re-ordered to the top using balloons.

Frequently Asked Questions

In the Dashboard, go to Blurbs > FAQs and add a new blurb. Use the question for the title and include the answer in the body.

Then, navigate to the page and select edit the page and place cursor where you’d like to add the FAQ and add the My Q&A widget to the page.

Faculty Profiles

Add My Faculty Profiles widget to show faculty from the current group.

Student Profiles

Add My Starred Student widget to show a single, starred student profile at random.

Add Meet Our Students widget to show four student profiles at random.

College Policies

The best way to display multiple College Policies on one page is by using the College Policies: Accordion widget.

Alternatively, you can display the policy text directly on the page using the College Policies: Details widget.