Purchase College Foundation

Purchase College Foundation & Charitable Entities

About the Purchase College Foundation

The Purchase College Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization (Federal Tax ID# 23-7066616) that serves as a liaison between donors and the College, The Performing Arts Center, and the Neuberger Museum of Art. Private contributions from alumni, parents, and friends of the College enrich the quality of academic life at Purchase by enhancing the teaching, learning, and discovery that takes place on campus. Every donation is an investment in the future of our students and the cultural enhancement of our community.

The Foundation was established in December 1969 to promote literature, history, visual and performing arts, science, and other departments of education at Purchase College, SUNY. Today, the Foundation focuses its priorities on student success, including scholarships and the unique student experiences that can be found only at Purchase; the institution’s faculty; student activities, research and programs supported by The Purchase Fund; and our world-renowned Neuberger Museum of Art and The Performing Arts Center.