Kessler Tribute Fund

Dean Suzanne Kessler (retired) Dean Suzanne Kessler (retired)At the end of July 2018, the Purchase College community said farewell to Suzanne Kessler as she retired after 14 years as Dean of the School Liberal Arts and Sciences and 46 years of service to the college. Dean Kessler’s love of teaching, research, and mentorship of students and faculty inspired all of us who studied and worked with her. She passionately supported all her students in their academic and professional pursuits and continues to take pride in our achievements.

The Mollie and Maniee Goldenberg Fund for Psychology Student Research, named in honor of Suzanne’s parents, has been established to celebrate and thank Suzanne for her leadership and service. This fund is intended to increase psychology students’ chances of acceptance into graduate school by providing the resources needed to improve their research, presentation and professional networking skills. Monies raised will cover expenses such as lab equipment; supplies; and travel, registration and other participant support costs for students to attend professional conferences.

Though rare at public colleges, the Senior Research opportunity remains the cornerstone of a Purchase College education. Every dollar of the $10,000 required to fund student research each year must come from private outside sources.

Please honor Dean Suzanne Kessler by making your gift via the form below or call the Office of Annual Giving at 914.251.6046 to make a gift by phone.