Review of Courses with Low Enrollment

Courses with fewer than 12 students are subject to cancellation. Full-time faculty members who have under-enrolled courses that are canceled will be reassigned in that semester or the next semester if possible. Faculty members with temporary or part-time term appointments should refer to Appointment Letter and Type for related information.

Real-time enrollment figures are available each semester in the online course schedule, which can be accessed in myHeliotrope on the faculty/staff portal.

Review Procedure

As enrollment figures for each semester develop, the Directors will monitor enrollments and notify the department Chairs about courses that are or may be under-enrolled. If the Director would like to run an under-enrolled class, an emailed justification must be submitted to the Provost. The Provost makes the final decision whether or not to cancel under-enrolled courses in consultation with the Director. Directors should promptly submit a course cancellation form to the Coordinator of Curriculum and Assessment in the Office of the Provost (who will then forward to the Registrar for processing).