Student Absence Policy

Except in the School of the Arts where attendance is required and in College Writing courses, which have a common absence policy, the number of student absences allowed in a particular course is at the discretion of the instructor. However, faculty members are urged to encourage attendance. During the first class meeting, instructors are required to inform students about attendance requirements and policies for that course regarding absences and assignments, and the attendance policy must be clearly stated on the syllabus. Students absent from class for any reason are expected to complete all assigned work in the course.

Please refer to the general academic policy on attendance on the College Policies site for information on student athletes and other student activities.

Taking Attendance

While the student absence policy is at the discretion of the individual faculty member, it is strongly recommended that attendance be taken at each class meeting. Federal financial aid regulations require the university to determine a student’s last date of attendance for each course. Consequently, a faculty member may be asked to certify (a) the last date of attendance on course withdrawal forms and (b) the last date of attendance for a student who informally withdraws.

Attendance on Religious Holidays

In accordance with New York State Education Law, Section 224-a, any student who is unable, because of religious beliefs, to register or attend classes on a particular day or days will be excused from any examination, study, or work requirements [scheduled on that day]. It is the responsibility of the faculty to make available [to the student] an equivalent opportunity to make up any examination, study, or work requirements. The complete policy is available on the College Policies site.