Supporting Student Success

Providing students with an assessment of their performance early in the semester is important for student retention. This is especially true for first-generation students, for students who are new to the institution, and for students who need to improve their academic performance. Because of the importance of early assessment and intervention, the college expects all faculty members to give students in undergraduate courses at least one major grade on a paper, examination, or other appropriate basis of evaluation early in the semester (before the final date for students to withdraw from courses — refer to the academic calendar).

  • Faculty members are required to submit feedback. This is filed online, starting around October 1 for the fall semester and March 1 for the spring semester, using the Faculty Feedback system in Starfish (under “Academics” on the faculty/staff portal). Detailed instructions on how to submit feedback will be emailed to you each semester by the Registrar’s Office.
  • Faculty feedback at the midterm point is essential for students enrolled in the EOP and MAP programs, whose progress is closely monitored by the EOP/MAP staff.
  • The athletics program also reviews faculty feedback submitted for student athletes to ensure NCAA compliance and to provide additional support and guidance for students.

Related Information:

Retention  of Student Work