Planning the Course Syllabus
Each student in a course must be provided with a written course syllabus at the first class meeting.
If revisions of the syllabus become necessary, they must be written and circulated to all students in the course. The syllabus will contain at least the following:
- Course meeting time and location (physical room or remote link). Consult the Academic Credit and Student Workload in the Academic Policies section of the Purchase College Catalog for seat time requirements based on credit load.
- The instructor’s contact information and, when required, office hours
- A list of books and/or materials that students are required to purchase
- Instructional objectives of the course
- Attendance, plagiarism and student conduct policies
- Grading policy, including a schedule for quizzes, papers, examinations, and the final examination, along with the relative weights that are assigned to each in determining the final grade
- Outline of the subject areas to be covered
- Student Learning Outcomes for the course
- Please note: Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) at the course level are mapped to Program Learning Outcomes (what students should learn as a result of their specific major) and to Institutional Learning Outcomes (educational values, knowledge and skills that students learn across their experiences at the college). For assistance on curriculum mapping, please contact the Associate Provost and Coordinator of Curriculum and Assessment.
- General Education Student Learning Outcomes (where applicable)
- Accessibility Statement approved by The Office of Disability Resources for students who wish to seek accommodations
- Information about the Learning Center and Counseling Center. More information can be found in the template below.
Syllabus Template and Guidelines
The required elements above are included in this syllabus template.
In addition, your School/Conservatory Director, Department Chair, or colleagues will be happy to provide you with sample syllabi.