The 2017 major redesign of the Purchase website, together with the new content management system, provides a robust and easy-to-use solution for faculty members to maintain a Purchase-affiliated web presence.
A basic faculty profile is created by the Provost’s office when they are notified by the Office of the Provost and Academic Affairs about the faculty member’s hiring. It will contain basic information provided by the faculty member’s “home” school or conservatory (or by the Library for librarians, Physical Education for PED lecturers). This basic information is centrally maintained:
- name, official faculty title, and status (full-time, part-time, or emeritus/a)
- Purchase email user name (firstname.lastname)
- earned degrees and the conferring institutions
- “home” school or conservatory (or the Library or Physical Education)
- primary department, and any other department to which the faculty member will be contributing
- external professional website (when applicable)
- for instrumental performance and jazz studies faculty in the Conservatory of Music: primary instrument
The department chair designation for each program, dates of official leaves, and Chancellor‘s Awards for Excellence are also added when applicable and are centrally maintained.
These data, some of which flow automatically into the website’s faculty lists and College Catalog, are not editable by the faculty member. If a correction or update is needed, please email Jeanmarie Garofolo in the Academic Affairs office.
After you have activated your Purchase email account, you can add (and change) your photograph, contact information, office hours, biographical narrative, courses taught, publications, exhibitions, recordings, awards, etc., on your faculty profile. User instructions are available on the CMS help site. Faculty members are asked to review the campus Editorial Style Guide (in particular, People and Titles in the Academic Terms and Usage section) before preparing narrative text for their faculty profile.
Other Options
Faculty members who want to use commercial or open-source web publishing applications or develop database-driven web applications can arrange to have a web directory set up on the server. For details, please contact the CTS helpdesk at (914) 251-6465.