Payroll Information

Payroll Office

Payroll Manager: Robin Farrell
The Payroll Office is located in the Human Resources Building.
(914) 251-6096 and 5905

All new Purchase College employees are paid on a two-week lag basis: a two-week delay between the time the work is performed and when the salary for that work is received. Under the state lag payroll system, new employees must wait approximately four weeks to receive their first full paycheck.

A faculty member should receive his or her first paycheck approximately four weeks after the initiation of a full-time faculty appointment, assuming all required forms have been submitted to the Office of Human Resources in a timely manner and transmitted to the Payroll Office. Subsequent checks will be received every two weeks.

  • For questions about initial payments, please call the Office of Human Resources, (914) 251-6090.
  • For payroll questions after the initial payment, please call the Payroll Office, (914) 251-6096 or 5905.

Full-time academic and professional employees with 10- or 12-month obligations are paid on a 26 biweekly pay-period basis. Paydays are alternate Wednesdays.

Normally, non-tenure-track faculty members with a one-semester part-time appointment will be placed on a 10 biweekly pay-period basis; those with a two-semester part-time appointment (fall and spring) will be placed on a 20 biweekly pay-period basis.

The first paycheck will cover up to the first two weeks of employment, depending upon the number of days worked within the pay period. Subsequent paychecks will be for the entire two-week pay period. Refer to “Pay Cycle” above for information on the state payroll lag.

Employees may choose to receive their pay either as a physical check or as a direct deposit to their personal checking/savings account at a bank or credit union that participates in the New York State Direct Deposit Program. Applications for direct deposit are available on line found on SharePoint Collaboration

All faculty paychecks and pay advices (for direct deposits) will be mailed directly from the Office of the Comptroller in Albany to the home address on file in Human Resources. This process was implemented at the start of the pandemic and may be subject to change based on the status of the pandemic. Should this occur a broadcast email will be sent to the Campus Community.