New Faculty Orientation

Orientation and Mentoring for New Full-Time Faculty

Orientation programs for new full-time faculty members are conducted by the Office of the Provost and Academic Affairs as well as the Office of Human Resources and the campus chapter of United University Professions.

Before the beginning of their employment, new full-time faculty members are assigned a mentor to assist them in gaining appropriate knowledge about the college and the tenure process. The associate provost oversees this mentoring program according to guidelines established by the Office of the Provost and Academic Affairs.

Orientation for New Part-Time Faculty

The orientation of new part-time faculty is the responsibility of each academic unit. It may be conducted at the level of the school/conservatory or delegated to the level of the department, area, or program. To the extent possible, each academic unit will endeavor to welcome part-time faculty members and integrate them into the academic culture of the program and the school or conservatory.

  • The department or program department chair (or designee) will meet with each part-time faculty member to make him or her familiar with program goals, textbooks, learning materials, and academic procedures and policies.
  • Each part-time faculty member will be directed to the Faculty Handbook and other guides.
  • Part-time faculty members will submit syllabi for all courses taught to their school or conservatory office, and the department chair (or designee) will review them to ensure alignment with departments and school/conservatory goals and standards.
  • The department or program department chair, Directors will collaborate with the Office of Human Resources to facilitate the orientation program that introduces part-time faculty to the rights, benefits, and obligations of their appointments.