Professional Obligation

At Purchase College, “every faculty member is expected to be an active and engaged scholar or professional artist, an effective teacher, and a participant in the civic life of the campus” (Faculty Bylaws, Article XII, Sec. A1). Please refer to the full Article XII, Criteria for Reappointment and Promotion of Faculty, in the Faculty Bylaws for expanded definitions.

The president announces the period of faculty obligation for the upcoming academic year. For the 2023–24  academic year, the dates are August 21, 2023, through May 24, 2024. The obligation of faculty members holding semester appointments begins with the first day of classes for the semester and ends with the last day of finals for that semester.

A full-time obligation assumes a five-day workweek (Monday through Friday). During the week before the start of the fall semester and the weeks that classes are in session, faculty members are obligated to be on campus at least three days per week. Full-time faculty members are expected to maintain a significant and substantial on-campus presence. In order to be available to students, participate in activities related to student success, and contribute to faculty governance, a four-day per week on-campus presence is often necessary. All faculty members are expected to meet their classes as scheduled.