
Faculty Review Timeline for Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure

Steps in the review process for full-time tenure-track faculty will follow the timing established by the Faculty Review Timeline for Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure, as established by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs in consultation with the Purchase College Faculty (Article XI, Sec. C1, Faculty Bylaws). The most important dates for each personnel action are listed below.

Note: New faculty members should begin assembling their review files during their first semester at Purchase College.

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2024-25 Faculty Review Timeline


Date Action
March 1 Deadline for faculty to notify the Office of the Provost and Academic Affairs of request for change in rank or tenure status, for review in  next academic year.
March 15 Academic Affairs (AA) distributes review timeline to directors and the Personnel Policies Committee (PPC).
March 15 AA distributes faculty review charts to directors and the PPC.
March 22 AA distributes tentative list of faculty eligible to serve on Review Committees (RCs) to directors and the PPC. The list will indicate which faculty members are currently under review.
March 22–April 5 Faculty “meeting of eligibles” to serve on RCs; RCs formed and elect chairs.
March 22–April 5 The PPC approves constitution of RCs; Director sends charge letters to RCs.
By April 5 Directors sends notification letters to all candidates up for review. Candidates for promotion and tenure are notified that a current CV and names of prospective external reviewers are due by May 2. For contract renewals of tenure-track faculty, names of people that may be contacted for letters of support are also due May 3. All review files are due on the first day of faculty obligation: August, TBD (week before classes start)
May 1-8 Promotion and tenure RCs compile list of external reviewers, review the candidate’s list and forward selections to Directors.
By May 15

Directors send letter and candidate’s vita to external reviewers requesting a commitment to review the file (which is sent to the reviewer in September) and submit a letter by October 16.

July 17 AA distributes updated review charts to  Directors and the PPC.
By July 24 Directors send charge letters to July candidates and notify them that review files are due November 4.
By August 26 Director’s office sends request to internal people (colleagues/students, etc.) to submit a letter for review files. These are due September 13.
By August 26 For promotion and/or tenure reviews, the candidate submits review file and list of materials to be sent to external reviewers to the director’s office. Consultation occurs about contents of file to be sent to external reviewers.
By August 26 For full-time contract renewals (reappointments), the candidate submits a review file.
August 30 Faculty “meeting of eligibles” to serve on RCs for candidates added in July.
By September 9

Directors send candidate files to external reviewers (letters due to RC  October 16).

By September 13 Colleague (internal) letters are due to the Director’s office and added to the file.
October 16 External reviewer letters due to Director’s Office and immediately added to the file.
By November  4

July candidates submit review file to the Director.

December 9 RCs submit recommendations for March and July candidates to the director.


Date Action
By January 24, 2025 The Director makes a recommendation. A redacted copy is sent to the candidate, with a redacted copy of the RC letter (if applicable).
January 24 The Director’s office notifies the candidate to review/rebut file.
February 3 Directors forward their recommendation and the review file to the PPC for tenure-track faculty and directly to the provost for non-tenure-track faculty.
March 13 The PPC forwards recommendations and review files to Office of the Provost.
  • The Office of the Provost notifies the candidate to review/rebut file.
  • Provost reviews file and makes a recommendation.
  • The Office of the Provost notifies the candidate to review/rebut file.
By May 23 Provost forwards recommendations and review files to the president.
August 13 President’s letter sent to candidate (contractual notification deadlines: April 15 for part-time faculty; Aug. 31 for full-time faculty).
March 1, 2025 Deadline for faculty to notify the Office of the Provost and Academic Affairs of request for change in rank or tenure status for next year Academic year.

2025-26 Faculty Review Timeline

The full 2025-26 timeline will be available in mid-spring 2025.


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