Conflict of Interest

Faculty and staff members are encouraged to foster an atmosphere of academic freedom by promoting the open and timely exchange of scholarly knowledge independent of personal interests. In keeping with this obligation, they are also required to avoid conflicts of interest.

No officer or employee of a state agency should have any interest (financial or otherwise, direct or indirect), or engage in any business or transaction or professional activity, or incur any obligation of any nature that is (or appears to be) in substantial conflict with the proper discharge of his or her duties in the public interest. A conflict of interest is also any financial interest that will (or may be reasonably expected to) bias design, conduct, or reporting of sponsored research.

Faculty and staff members may not engage in other employment that interferes with the performance of their professional obligation. They are expected to comply with the New York State Public Officers Law provisions on conflict of interest and ethical conduct (§73 and §74), available under Conflicts of Interest on the New York State Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government  website. To the extent required by law or regulation, they shall disclose at a minimum whether they (and their spouses and dependent children) have employment or financial interests or hold significant offices in external organizations that may affect, or appear to affect, the discharge of professional obligations to the University. (SUNY Policy on Conflict of Interest, October 1, 1995)

Please refer to “Outside/Additional Employment” under Extra Service in the Terms of Appointment section of this handbook for related information.