Course Scheduling

Each department is responsible for submitting its course schedule to the director by the deadlines set by the Office of the Registrar.

Course Rollover

Course information is copied from fall to fall and spring to spring. Departments are asked to standardize schedules as much as possible and submit any necessary changes, additions, updates, or deletions by the required deadline. Departments are responsible for:

  • confirming that the courses offered each fall or spring are reflected on the eight-semester graduation plan submitted by the department and in the course descriptions on the program sites, which are pulled directly from the registrar’s database
  • submitting a completed course proposal for any new course and when reinstating a course (i.e., a previously offered course that does not appear in the course descriptions on the program site); the form is available on the registrar’s Course Scheduling Dashboard, under “Additional Resources”
  • ensuring that an appropriate number of General Education courses are offered within their department

To ensure that certain days or times are neither overbooked nor underutilized, the college must also maintain a schedule with classes evenly distributed throughout the week.

Course Scheduling Deadline

More information on course scheduling, including additional guidelines, deadlines, grid analysis, and core curriculum/general education offerings is available on the registrar’s Faculty and Staff.