Faculty Handbook

Whether you are a new faculty member, a senior faculty member, or somewhere in between, I hope you will find this handbook useful in your academic career at Purchase College.

The Faculty Handbook of Purchase College is designed to provide faculty members with information about the institution in general; teaching and classroom management; academic, enrollment, and student services; faculty responsibilities; faculty appointments, evaluation, reappointment, and promotion; and faculty leaves and benefits.

This handbook is prepared in accordance with Article IX, Title A, §3 of the State University of New York Policies of the Board of Trustees:

§3. Handbook. The chief administrative officer of each college shall be responsible for the preparation and publication of a college handbook, subject to the approval of the Chancellor. Such handbook should include an administrative organization chart, a statement of administrative responsibilities, faculty bylaws, local policies and such other information concerning the college as he or she may deem advisable, and shall be made available to all members of the academic staff of the college.

The handbook summarizes Purchase College policies relating to faculty and is intended for use as a guide. It makes no claim to be inclusive, focusing instead on matters most directly related to faculty responsibilities in teaching, research/creative activity, and service.

While every effort is made to provide accurate and pertinent information in this handbook, please note that the information is subject to change. The college assumes no liability for errors or omissions and reserves the right to change without notice existing policies, rules, regulations, and procedures.


Earnest Lamb, PhD.
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Andy Goldsworthy, East Coast Cairn, 2001, limestone, collection Neuberger Museum of Art Andy Goldsworthy, East Coast Cairn, 2001, limestone, collection Neuberger Museum of Art
Credit: Jim Frank



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