
The Mission of the College Senate’s Diversity Committee 

The Diversity Initiatives Committee is assigned to ensure that the institution’s goals- both existing and future- continue to align themselves with a strong commitment to diversity. The Committee achieves this by assessing current resources and tools on a continual basis and researching and developing new initiatives. In adhering to these steps, the goal of an inclusive community is realized.

Diversity Defined:

To align with best practices and to create a cornerstone for the next phase of diversity efforts, Purchase College has established an institutional definition for diversity:

Diversity at Purchase College is the commitment to a community of equity and access to its academic and artistic promise through the acceptance of all aspects of human difference. This includes but is not limited to age, disability, race, ethnicity, gender, gender expression and identity, language heritage, learning style, national origin, sexual orientation, religion, socioeconomic status, status as a veteran and worldview. Through collaboration, creativity and an inclusive environment, Purchase College integrates various cultural and social perspectives to engender excellence in the arts and liberal arts and sciences.

This definition was created through a collaborative process with the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, the SUNY Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and the Chief Diversity Officer to provide institutional direction for the Purchase College Diversity Plan. For traditional definitions of diversity, equity, inclusion and multiculturalism, please refer to Appendix B in the Diversity Plan. In establishing this definition, there is a clear institutional focus on aspects of access and inclusion for a broad range of groups to foster excellence and success.


  • Continually research and develop new initiatives that promote diversity and multicultural appreciation both inside and outside classroom thus supporting the educational mission of the institution
  • Monitor and assess current practices and services in an ongoing basis
  • Develop and implement instruments for outreach to garner feedback and suggestions from the campus community on the current conditions concerning sensitivity and openness to diversity