Counseling and Behavioral Health Services

Our Hours Today:
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Blue sky white clouds Welcome to Counseling & Behavioral Health Services!

or 914-251-6390

Our licensed, professional staff at the Counseling Center Main Office (Humanities, Lower Level) offer confidential help with all kinds of student concerns: stress, crises*, personal problems, mental health, sexual assault and abuse, and substance use matters. Our health promotion and stress reduction activities at the Harbor Center in Fort Awesome welcome all students.  No additional costs for services.


Our office will be closed 12/21 – 12/29/24. We will re-open Monday 12/30/24 and resume our normal business hours M – F, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. with the exception of New Year’s Day 1/1/25 when we will be closed.  


*Crisis response in Fall and Spring Semesters. During Winter and Summer Sessions the Office is open for Administrative Business only. Please call M-F between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

For year round on campus emergencies contact UPD (914) 251-6911; for Off Campus Crisis Support  see options below.

Explore Our Services

Racial and Social Justice are Mental Health Needs

We recognize students may seek Mental Health Resources for Students Impacted by Racial Injustice. We wish to express our grief, sorrow and compassion to students hurting due to race-based tragedies occurring across our nation.

We are committed to affirming and providing care for our students who have been directly or vicariously impacted by trauma caused by racism, bigotry, prejudice and indifference. We assert that there is no true mental health where there is systemic inequity and hatred.