Our Hours Today:
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Concerned for Another Student

The transition to college is a significant life change which often presents challenges to even the most well-adjusted students. In some cases, students may need help but cannot bring themselves to ask for it. 

What you can do

Those who play important roles in the lives of students—concerned parents, friends, and others—are often the first to notice that their loved ones are struggling. As a friend, this can be worrisome and frustrating: you want to help, but may not be sure what you can do. If you are a concerned friend and you are worried about another student, you may want to contact the Counseling Center staff. Our staff can help in a number of different ways. All of these services are free and confidential.

One important function of the Counseling Center is to help concerned others to clearly define the nature of the problem, and determine what options are available to them, and what resources are at their disposal. In instances where the student seems unwilling to seek help at the Center, our staff can provide you with effective ways of communicating your concerns and encouraging your loved one to seek help. You may also ask us to contact the student on your behalf.

As with any referral, any information regarding a student contact will be kept confidential in order to protect the rights and privacy of our students. To ask for consultation or an outreach to a student, feel free to call Counseling and Behavioral Health Services (914) 251-6390.