For an urgent consultation or to request an outreach to a student, please call our Center (914-251-6390). Our professional staff will respond ASAP.
Faculty and staff have the unique opportunity of ongoing direct contact with students.
They are often in the position to identify struggling individuals who could benefit from the help available on campus.
Providing assistance to students via referrals and consultation with the Counseling Center staff can be a rapid way to address a variety of problems. It’s important for faculty and staff members to be aware of campus resources and how these work—becoming the main source of support for a troubled student may prove overwhelming or nonproductive in the long term.
The following information provides guidelines on when and how to refer students.
Please note: Any contact that we may have with students following their referral will be kept confidential in order to protect the rights and privacy of our students.
Faculty and staff members may call or email for a professional consultation on how to address a problem, prior to speaking with a student. You may refer students directly to the Counseling Center for an appointment, contact us via phone or email to reach out to the student on your behalf, or call us while the student is with you in your office so that a counselor may speak with the student about our services.
All contacts and communications with the Counseling Center will maintain privacy for yourself and the student.
You may also use the Starfish to create a brief report of concerns and request an outreach on your behalf. This is not a confidential report. The Starfish is an electronic form that will document a student for outreach who may be struggling with emotional issues, behavioral problems, or significant personal challenges that are interfering with their academic functioning. Please discuss the use of Starfish with your supervisor.
Students whose behavior in the classroom is disruptive to themselves or the learning community, and students who appear to be at some risk of harm to themselves —either intentionally or non-intentionally—require a more urgent intervention.
When a student’s behavior is disruptive, you may consult with the Counseling Center staff to explore options for intervention or reporting. Some students may be experiencing personal difficulties or chronic conditions that you may be able to negotiate following consultation regarding observed or disclosed symptoms, behaviors, or emotional dynamics.
However, when this is not the case, you are strongly encouraged to consult with the Office of Community Standards (914) 251-6033 regarding formal intervention for problematic behavior.
A more urgent approach is required with students whose work, communications, or direct interactions with you suggest that they may be struggling with ideas or behaviors related to self-harm. Please contact the Counseling and Behavioral Health Services staff for a consultation and allow us to assist with interventions.
You and/or the student may call our office (914)251-6390 for immediate help during normal office hours: M - F, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Please take a few minutes to share your observations with the staff in order to help us assist the student. After hours and on weekends, students may call the office number to access urgent confidential assistance via our answering service.
mmediate intervention by the University Police Department is required for students that you observe, or you suspect may be, engaged in acts of violence, including self-harm, or report to you that they are currently engaged in acts of violence towards themselves or others. Call UPD at 914-251–6911.
Urgent intervention should be pursued for students whose observed aggressive behavior, destruction of property, or threats are concerning for the safety of yourself or others in our community. For behavior in progress contact the UPD for immediate intervention. If the behavior is not in progress, please contact the Office of Community Standards for consultation or to create an Incident Report for urgent follow up.
Faculty and staff members do not participate in the privilege of confidentiality. Employees must report potential Title IX violations to the Title IX Coordinator for investigation. Students often do not realize this fact or the consequences.
Should a student begin to disclose a Title IX violation (sexual assault, harassment, domestic or relationship violence, stalking) to you, please gently interrupt them and share your status as a reporter.
It is important to offer the students the option of a confidential resource immediately to preserve their rights and ultimate recovery. Counseling staff and the Campus Victim Advocate can offer a completely confidential first response and assist with any options students prefer. Please contact 914-251-6390 for more information on Campus Advocacy Services.