Electronic / Digital Accessibility

At Purchase College, we are committed to create, obtain, and maintain electronic documents, websites, media, software, and hardware in a manner that ensures it is accessible.

Purchase College requires all online Purchase College materials on local or third party systems to be accessible and in line with the Electronic Information Technology Accessibility (EITA) Policy

What is accessible technology?

Accessible content increases student engagement, retention and success. Accessible electronic and information technology can be accessed by people with a wide range of abilities. When technology has been developed with accessibility in mind, incorporating the principles of universal design, all users are able to interact with the technology in the ways that work best for them. Accessible technology may be usable without assistive technology or may be compatible with standard assistive technology such as screen readers.

Where do I get help?

General: If you are having any issues with electronic accessibility please go to our Report Accessibility Barriers page.

The Purchase College website (CMS) help section has accessibility tips and tricks throughout its pages.

For help with course content, instructors can contact Rebecca Oling. For help with course learning management systems, contact the Teaching, Learning, Technology Center.

If you are a student and need help finding resources related to disability accommodations or other disability-related services, see Office of Disability Resources.

If you can’t find what you need on this website, please call (914) 251-6465 or email helpdesk@purchase.edu for help with specific questions.

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