Requirements for Major

In addition to meeting  General Education requirements and other degree requirements, all playwriting and screenwriting majors must meet the following requirements (74 credits):

Foundation courses: 23 credits

  • PSW 1000/Playwriting I: 4 credits*
  • PSW 1010/Screenwriting I: 4 credits*
  • CIN 1030/History of Film Art: 4 credits
  • PSW 2000/Screenwriting II: 4 credits
  • PSW 2010/Playwriting II: 4 credits
  • THP 2885/Theatre Histories I or THP 2890/Theatre Histories II: 3 credits

*Students must earn a minimum grade of C- in PSW 1000 and PSW 1010 in order to continue in the sequence to PSW 2000 and PSW 2010, respectively.

Electives: 17 credits**

Students choose their electives in consultation with their faculty advisor. At least 10 of the 17 credits must be upper level. Courses in the list of examples are subject to change, and new courses may be added.

**A minimum grade of C- is required for any elective pre-requisites.

Synthesis courses: 14 credits

  • PSW 3880/Junior Seminar: 4 credits***
  • PSW 4880/Senior Colloquium in Playwriting and Screenwriting: 2 credits
  • SPJ 4990/Senior Project I: 4 credits
  • SPJ 4991/Senior Project II: 4 credits

***A minimum grade of C- is required in the Junior Seminar as pre-requisite for the Senior Project.

Minor Requirements: 20 Credits

Students must complete a minor in an approved area of study in Liberal Arts and Sciences, after consultation and approval from their advisor. Excluded from the list of approved minors are: Arts Management, Film/Video Production, Music, Theatre and Performance, Television and Theory Practice, Creative Writing, Communications and Visual Arts, Journalism.

For students declaring an additional major in one of the approved fields, the minor requirement is waived. In certain circumstances students may be approved to take an alternate course of study in lieu of the minor, in consultation with their advisor. 

Playwriting and Screenwriting Double Majors

All Playwriting and Screenwriting double majors are required to take Junior Seminar in either playwriting or screenwriting.  However, if a double major’s senior project is focused only in their second area of study (not Playwriting and Screenwriting), the Playwriting and Screenwriting Senior Project and Senior Colloquium are not required.