• Major
  • BFA

Program Learning Outcomes

Graduates should demonstrate:

  • An understanding of visual forms and their aesthetic functions, and basic design principles, developing throughout the degree program, with attention to such areas as design, color, and lighting.
  • Knowledge and skills in the use of basic tools, techniques, technologies, and processes sufficient to work from concept to finished product. This involves a mastery of the materials, equipment, and processes of the discipline, including uses of cameras, film, lighting/digital technologies, processing in black and white and in color, printing (wet, hybrid, and digitally), and work with nonsilver materials. Work in these areas continues throughout the degree program.
  • An understanding of the industrial and commercial applications of photographic techniques.
  • Functional knowledge of photographic history and theory, the relationship of photography to the visual disciplines, and its influence on culture.
  • The ability to work in experimental and manipulative techniques, candid and contrived imagery, documentary photography, archival processing, and interpretive studies.
  • A familiarity with and command of materials, equipment, and library resources related to the study of photography.
  • The ability to work and study independently.

Also refer to the Foundation Program: Student Learning Outcomes