Meet Our Faculty
Department Chair
Emiliano Diaz
Associate Professor of BA, University of Montana
- MA, Duquesne University
- PhD, Stony Brook University, SUNY
Full-Time Faculty
Casey Haskins
Associate Professor of Philosophy- BA, University of California, Santa Cruz
- PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Morris B. Kaplan
(on leave: Fall 2024)Professor of Philosophy- BA, Williams College
- MA, JD, Yale University
- Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities
Jennifer K. Uleman
Associate Professor of Philosophy- BA, Swarthmore College
- PhD, University of Pennsylvania
- Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching
Part-Time Faculty
Alexandra Stamson
Lecturer of Philosophy- MA, Graduate Center, CUNY
- BA, Purchase College, SUNY
- BA, University of Southern Maine
Faculty Emeriti
Naomi Block
Associate Professor Emerita of Language Arts- BA, Bucknell University
- MA, Manhattanville College
- MA, New School for Social Research
- Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching
Marcia Cavell
Associate Professor Emerita of Philosophy- BA, Stanford University
- MA, Radcliffe College
- PhD, Harvard University
Marjorie Miller
Professor Emerita of Philosophy- BA, Jackson College
- MA, Tufts University
- PhD, Stony Brook University, SUNY
- Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching