Minor in Music

A Minor in Music is offered for Jazz Studies, Instrumental Performance, Voice and Opera Studies, and Classical Composition majors ONLY. No Minor is offered for Studio Production or Studio Composition.

Academic Requirements for the Minor in Music

The minor in music requires 21 to 25 credits, depending on the area of study. The course of study includes:

  • Four semesters of private study in the area of specialization
  • Two semesters of theory 
  • Two semesters of solfège or ear training
  • Two semesters of secondary piano*
    *for students in areas other than piano performance
  • Two semesters of music history (any courses)
  • Two semesters of ensemble (placement by audition)

Associated Fees

Students minoring in music are charged the course fee to cover private lessons and/or master classes, as well as a performance lab fee. These fees are subject to annual increases. For the most up-to-date information please refer to the “Other Fees” section of our Student Services Fees.

How to Apply

Only a limited number of students can be admitted each year to the minor in music, based on the available spaces in a given area. Students will only be accepted for a minor in music through the Conservatory of Music audition process. Applicants for the minor in music are required to submit the same repertoire as all other undergraduate admission applicants. The deadlines for spring and fall admission are the same as for undergraduate majors.

If you are a prospective student (i.e. applicants who are not current Purchase College students), you can only apply for a minor after you are admitted to Purchase College. Typically students apply for a minor after their first semester. Please email music@purchase.edu for more details.

 If you are a current Purchase College Student then you may apply for a minor by submitting the Music Internal Transfer Form

Prescreening Audition

All applicants for the minor must audition using these guidelines. Please follow the submission instructions carefully for your particular program(s) of choice.

If you wish to audition for more than one program, you must submit a separate prescreening audition and fee for each program. Please do not mail in an audition CD or DVD.

If you are selected for a live audition, you will be notified of your audition date and time via email. Please be sure to give us a viable email account, and check it regularly.

Upon acceptance (after the audition), you will be directed to complete an application for the minor and submit it to the Office of the Registrar. (This form is also available in person at the Office of the Registrar.)