• Major
  • Minor
  • BA

Academic Requirements

In addition to meeting  General Education requirements and other degree requirements, students majoring in media studies must complete a minimum of 10–11 courses with a grade of C or higher and an 8-credit senior project (40 credits minimum total) as follows:

  • MSA 1050/Introduction to Media Studies (3 credits)
  • MSA 2200/Media Institutions and Forms (3 credits)
  • MSA 3400/Critical Perspectives on Media, Society, and the Arts (4 credits)
  • MSA 3450/Research Methods in Media, Society, and the Arts (4 credits)
  • Three electives (at least 9 credits total)
  • One course in art history (visual or performing) or media history (at least 3 credits)
  • Two or three courses in studio art and/or media production (at least 6 credits total)
  • SPJ 4990/Senior Project I (4 credits)
  • SPJ 4991/Senior Project II (4 credits)