An introduction to origami, a centuries-old art, practiced all over the world, that is constantly being expanded and is the focus of attention by mathematicians, computer scientists, and engineers. Students learn and examine traditional and modern models. Students practice preparing diagrams and teaching models, with opportunity for invention.
Credits: 4
Department: MathematicsStudents learn basic concepts in quantitative reasoning (numbers, probabilities, basic statistics) and the creation, use, and evaluation of quantitative information (databases, searches, spreadsheets, interactive graphics). This course prepares students for civic engagement by using current events (past and current news stories) as the focal point of study. Students are required to post to online discussion forums, complete short writing assignments, and make presentations on topics involving quantitative reasoning.
Credits: 4
Department: MathematicsStudents explore personal finance concepts. Core focus is to prepare students for civic engagement and to develop problem-solving skills, using personal finance topics. Learning outcomes are designed to develop an appreciation of personal finance and quantitative reasoning skills, including: employing quantitative methods to solve finance problems; interpreting and drawing inferences from data; representing and discussing financial information (visually, numerically, & verbally).
Credits: 4
Department: MathematicsStudents learn basic concepts in quantitative reasoning (number systems, data manipulation, basic statistics), with emphasis on problem solving using computational methods. This course uses a textbook and focuses on applications related to consumer issues to develop computational and problem-solving skills. Students learn to transform data into information and apply quantitative methods to evaluate information and solve real-world problems.
Credits: 4
Department: MathematicsPrepares students with limited backgrounds in high school mathematics for calculus. Topics include absolute values and inequalities, the properties of functions, graphs, logarithms, fractional exponents, and trigonometry.
Credits: 4
Department: MathematicsUsing selected points along the timeline of Mathematics students learn basic concepts in quantitative reasoning while seeing them in the time when they were developed. Topics include ancient and modern counting systems, elements of algebra and geometry, logic, and probability. Students learn to provide reasonable estimates, apply math concepts to real life problems, and discuss the validity of the results.
Credits: 4
Department: MathematicsAn introduction to traditional and modern concepts in programming. Traditional concepts covered include variables, expressions, data representation, logic, arrays, functions, and pseudo-random numbers. The modern concepts include graphical constructs and event-driven programming. This course uses familiar games as projects, because implementing games requires an understanding of important programming concepts and attention to the human-computer interface.
Credits: 4
Department: MathematicsThe basic concepts of the differential and integral calculus. Focus is on the applicability of these topics to an array of problems. The first course in a three-semester series.
Credits: 4
Department: MathematicsA continuation of MAT 1500. Topics include differentiation and integration of logarithmic, exponential, and inverse trigonometric functions; techniques of integration; arc length; infinite series; and improper integrals. Applications include work, growth, and decay problems and volumes of solids of revolution.
Credits: 4
Department: MathematicsAn introduction to problem solving, using computers. Emphasis is on programming, including the study of syntax, semantics, logical structures, graphics, and object-oriented programming. General topics of algorithm development, formulating problems, finding methods for computer solutions, differences among computer languages, and trends in the industry are also discussed. Experience is acquired through hands-on labs and several programming assignments.
Credits: 4
Department: MathematicsA continuation of MAT 1520. Emphasizes programming as a basis for the study of computers. While programming is the main focus, the course will afford us the opportunity to introduce other concepts central to the field including data representation, object-oriented design, algorithms, recursion, Boolean logic and some data structures. We will be studying the Java programming language.
Credits: 4
PREREQ: MAT1520 Or NME1520
Department: MathematicsStatistics are used everywhere in the modern world. This course covers descriptive statistics, including measures of central tendency, methods of dispersion, and graphs; and inferential statistics, including normal distributions and hypothesis testing, Pearson correlation, and linear regression.
Credits: 4
Department: MathematicsCovers a variety of topics that provide a foundation for both higher mathematics and computer science. These topics may include logic and formal proofs, set theory, number theory, probability, mathematical induction, algorithms, recurrence relations, equivalence relations and partial orderings, and topics in graph theory (including isomorphism, traversability, planarity, and colorings).
Credits: 4
PREREQ: MAT1500 Or MAT1510 Or MAT1150
Department: MathematicsBuilding on the programming introduction in the prerequisite course, students learn about scripting for websites, including HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and php. Topics include the use of cookies, localStorage, video/audio, geolocation, an application program interface such as the Google Maps API, responsive design, and accessibility. Comparisons are made between scripting and compiled languages and client versus server computing.
Credits: 4
PREREQ: MAT1520 Or NME1450 Or MAT1540
Department: MathematicsA continuation of MAT 1500 and 1510. Topics include polar coordinates, vectors in two and three dimensions, parametric equations, quadric surfaces, partial derivatives, multiple integrals, directional derivatives, gradients and their applications, and line integrals.
Credits: 4
Department: MathematicsTopics include linear equations, row reduction, matrix algebra, determinants, vectors in three dimensions, abstract vector spaces, dimension, linear transformations, eigenvalues, diagonalization, and applications to other sciences.
Credits: 4
PREREQ: MAT1510 Or MAT3150
Department: MathematicsUsing selected points along the timeline of Mathematics students learn to appreciate the beauty and cleverness of mathematical topics seeing them in the time when they were developed. The topics include, but are not limited to, the features of geometry, number theory, algebra, calculus, and combinatorics. The understanding and appreciation of the topics is enhanced through research projects/presentations.
Credits: 4
PREREQ: MAT1500 Or MAT1510 Or MAT3150
Department: MathematicsTopics in elementary number theory, including primes and other special categories of numbers, Fibonacci sequence, Pascal’s Triangle, prime decomposition, Pell equation, Phi function, modulus equations and cryptography. Programming is included to enhance understanding of the topics and to strengthen skills.
Credits: 4
PREREQ: (MAT1500 Or MAT1510 Or MAT3150 ) And (MAT1420 Or NME1420 Or MAT1520 Or NME1520 Or NME1450 Or VIS1450 Or MAT1540 )
Department: MathematicsIntroduces concepts and skills used in analyzing and designing interfaces for computer applications. As students study techniques and “rules of thumb,” they discover that the design and implementation of each interface is a unique challenge, which requires creativity and consideration of technical, aesthetic, and psychological factors. Includes the use of XML, XSL, XHTML-MP, VoiceXML, and usability studies.
Credits: 4
PREREQ: MAT1520 Or NME1450
Department: MathematicsSocial software is explored both from technical and critical perspectives. Hands-on work in conceptualizing, designing, and developing social software projects is informed by examining the evolution of social software and its impact on society. Includes modules on version control, collaborative open source software projects and application programming interfaces. Projects may range in complexity from simple websites to data-driven web applications to real-time applications.
Credits: 4
PREREQ: MAT1420 Or NME1420 Or NME1450 Or MAT1520 Or NME1520
Department: MathematicsThe theory and implementation of numerical algorithms. Topics include interpolation, approximation, numerical solution of nonlinear equations, numerical integration, numerical linear algebra, and error analysis.
Credits: 4
PREREQ: MAT1510 And MAT1520
Department: MathematicsCovers the key conceptual and practical aspects of networking and security, which are increasingly important in the era of the Internet, the connected enterprise and our ever expanding socially networked world. TCP/IP communications protocols are explored at multiple levels of the protocol stack. Performance and reliability issues are also studied, using campus intranet and internet connections. Security topics include encryption, authentication, denial of service attacks, and case studies.
Credits: 4
PREREQ: MAT1520 Or NME1520
Department: MathematicsCovers standard data structures (e.g., lists, stacks, heaps) and object¬-oriented algorithms important to software development. Tradeoffs between time and space are examined. Includes programming as well as theoretical assignments. Examples are often taken from technical interview-style questions.
Credits: 4
Department: MathematicsDesigned to increase students’ knowledge of research methods, understanding of research articles, and ability to write research papers. These skills prepare students to conduct senior project research and write their senior thesis.
Credits: 2
Department: MathematicsTopics covered in previous math courses are elaborated on and new topics in advanced mathematics are introduced. Theoretical, numerical, and applied aspects may be covered. Depending on faculty and student interests, material may include mathematical modeling, abstract algebra, complex analysis, numerical analysis, linear programming, graph theory, topology as well as topics in theoretical computer science.
Credits: 4
PREREQ: MAT1510 And MAT3170
Department: MathematicsTopics are selected from computability, complexity, artificial intelligence, machine learning, programming languages, data mining, informatics in biology and medicine, cryptography, and other application areas. This course does include topics in theoretical computer science, which has a strong mathematical component, as well as attention to current practical problems. Includes oral presentations by students on approved topics of their choosing.
Credits: 4
Department: MathematicsAn introduction to concepts and methods of theoretical computer science: what it means for something to be computable (finite state automata, formal languages, Turing machines) and how to measure resources used to solve problems (Big Oh notation and complexity classes like P and NP). Some attention is paid to the relationship between computability, logic, and philosophy, as well as "impossibility" results in these disciplines. This course brings together the two parts of the major in mathematics/computer science and provides historical background as well as insight into current issues.
Credits: 4
Department: MathematicsStudents explore the core mathematical concepts of Artificial Intelligence and gain hands-on experience by implementing various methods using Python. Key topics include supervised and unsupervised learning, decision-making strategies, knowledge representation, machine learning, natural language processing, and neural networks. Programming projects are selected from diverse applications. Students also study the history of Artificial Intelligence and discuss its ethical implications.
Credits: 4
PREREQ: MAT1520 And MAT3120 And MAT3170
Department: MathematicsExplores advanced topics in selected areas of mathematics. Includes required oral presentation by students. Required for seniors majoring in mathematics/computer science.
Credits: 1
Department: MathematicsExplores advanced topics in selected areas of mathematics. Oral presentation by students required. Required for seniors majoring in mathematics/computer science.
Credits: 1
PREREQ: MAT4880 Or MAT3880
Department: Mathematics