Academic Requirements

As of Fall 2023, Literature’s title has changed to English and Global Literatures. In addition to meeting  General Education requirements and other degree requirements, majors must complete a minimum of 10 literature courses, plus an 8-credit senior project, as outlined below.

  • LIT 2450/Colloquium I: Studies in Literature*
    *Generally taken in the second year; transfer students who want to major in literature must complete this course during their first semester at Purchase.
  • Three courses in the literature sequence (courses that emphasize issues of history and period): One each from sequence I (before 1750), II (1750–1900), and III (1900–present)
  • One Comparative Literature course must be taken. This course could be an upper or a lower level course. This course can also fulfill one of the ‘sequence’ course requirements or one of the ‘3 literature electives.’
  • One course in Shakespeare
  • At least three elective literature courses (see notes below)
  • LIT 4450/Colloquium II: Advanced Studies in Literature*
    *Generally taken in the second semester of the junior year
  • LIT 4885/Senior Project Seminar
  • SPJ 4990/Senior Project I
  • SPJ 4991/Senior Project II

Of the 10 literature courses:

  • At least five must be at the 3000 or 4000 level (LIT 4450 counts toward this requirement; LIT 4885 does not).
  • At least four must be taken at Purchase College.
  • Students may not use the required Shakespeare course to satisfy the Sequence I requirement. For example, THP 2215 may be taken to fulfill the Sequence I requirement or the Shakespeare course requirement, but not both.
  • Certain courses in language and culture and in theatre and performance (THP prefix) may fulfill the requirements. These courses are cross-referenced in the list of literature courses.
  • Students may count toward the major up to 8 credits of writing courses at the 3000 or 4000 level. Writing courses at the 2000 level may not be counted toward the major requirements.
  • All courses taken to satisfy major requirements, excluding the senior project, must be completed with a grade of C or higher.

Course Sequences for the Major and Minor

 Comparative literature courses in the sequences are indicated with an asterisk.