• Major
  • Major
  • BFA
  • BFA

Program Learning Outcomes

Graduates should demonstrate:

  • The ability to solve communication problems, including the skills of problem identification, research and information gathering, analysis, generation of alternative solutions, prototyping and user testing, and evaluation of outcomes.
  • The ability to describe and respond to the audiences and contexts, which communication solutions must address, including recognition of the physical, cognitive, cultural, and social human factors that shape design decisions.
  • The ability to create and develop visual form in response to communication problems, including an understanding of principles of visual organization/composition, information hierarchy, symbolic representation, typography, aesthetics, and the construction of meaningful images.
  • An understanding of tools and technology, including their roles in the creation, reproduction, and distribution of visual messages. Relevant tools and technologies include drawing, offset printing, photography, and time-based and interactive media (film, video, computer multimedia).
  • An understanding of design history, theory, and criticism from a variety of perspectives, including those of art history, linguistics, communication and information theory, technology, and the social and cultural use of design objects.
  • An understanding of basic business practices, including the ability to organize design projects and to work productively as a member of teams.

Also refer to the Foundation Program: Student Learning Outcomes.