A minimum grade of C- is required for all classes applied towards major requirements.
COM 1500/Intro to Communication, 4 credits
JOU2515/Journalism I, 4 credits
One of the following courses: COM 1400/Intro to Video Techniques and Technology, 4 credits OR COM 2050/Intro to Media Writing: 4 credits OR COM 2020/ Visual Communication, 4 credits
COM 3100/Communication Research: 4 credits
COM 3110/Strategic Message Design: 4 credits
COM 3280/ Media Literacy: 4 credits
Diversity of Experience (Humanities elective), 4 credits . Choose From:
A minimum of 4 credits in:
Art History (ARH)
History (HIS)
Literature (LIT)
Philosophy (PHI)
Writing (WRI) – with the exception of WRI 1110/College Writing
8. Concentration: Choose from TV Production OR Strategic Communication (15-16 credits in either concentration. At least 8 credits must be upper level).
COM2010/Group Collaboration
COM3020/Law, Ethics and the Media
COM3040/Mass Media: A Cultural History
COM3320/Documentary Production
COM3350/Persuasive Speaking
COM3365/ Advanced Psychology of Communication
COM3375/Podcasting and Audio Storytelling
COM3710/A Critical Look at Television in Society
COM3720/ TV Laboratory
COM4720/Advanced TV Laboratory
FLM3025/Documentary Filmmaking
HIS3687/Historia, Memoria, e Identidad
HIS3855/Oral History Workshop
HIS3875/Digital Histories Studio: Oral Narratives and Archives
JOU3160/Broadcast News I
JOU3170/Broadcast News II
JOU3360/Narrative Nonfiction Podcasting
JOU3500/Multimedia Tools
JOU4030/Socially Engaged Multimedia
JOU4040/MultiMedia II
LIT3025/Women and Film
MSA3020/Reality TV
NME2420/Video Art I
PHO3755/ introduction to Photoshop
PSW1010/Screenwriting I
PSW1050/Intro to Television Writing
PSW3120/The Writer and the Documentary
PSW3300/Writing for the Television
PSW3400/TV Writer’s Room
PSW3500/Writing the Web Series
PSW3701/The Business of Writing
AMG2300/Communicating the Arts
AMG3080/Entertainment Public Relations
AMG3520/Marketing the Arts
AMG3610/Social Media and the Arts
COM2005/Spoken Word
COM2010/Group Collaboration
COM2020/Visual Communication
COM2030/Going Global: Intercultural Communication
COM3020/Law, Ethics and the Media
COM3040/Mass Media: A Cultural History
COM3120/Negotiation Skills
COM3130/Public Communication Campaigns
COM3300/Management and Communication
COM3340/Platforming Justice
COM3350/Persuasive Speaking
COM3365/ Advanced Psychology of Communication
COM3370/Crises Communication
COM3375/Podcasting and Audio Storytelling
COM3380/integrated Marking Communication
COM3700/Teamwork Through Meetings
COM3701/The Business of Writing
JOU3020/Reporting the Regions
JOU3090/The Art of the Interview
JOU3200/Feature Writing
JOU3374/The Literature of Journalism
HIS3027/History’s Places and Spaces: Museums, Movies and Materials
HIS3575/History of Popular Culture in the United States
HIS3687/Historia, Memoria, e Identidad
HIS3855/Oral History Workshop
HIS3875/Digital Histories Studio: Oral Narratives and Archives
PHO3755/Introduction to Photoshop
SOC3455/Conflict Management and Mediation
9. COM4800/Senior Capstone: 4 credits
Students who entered into the program prior to Fall 2024, follow this curriculum:
In addition to meeting General Education requirements, all communications majors must complete the following requirements (35-36 credits):
COM 1500/Intro to Communication: 4 credits
COM 2010/Group Collaboration: 3 credits OR JOU2515/Journalism I, 4 credits (as of Fall 2023)
One of the following courses: COM 1400/Intro to Video Techniques and Technology: 3 credits COM 2050/Intro to Media Writing: 4 credits COM 2020/Visual Communication: 4 credits
COM 3100/Communication Research: 4 credits
COM 3110/Strategic Message Design: 4 credits
Area of Interest: TV Production OR Advertising and Public Relations * (choose from a list of courses below): 12 credits. Out of the 12 credits 8 credits must be upper level.
COM 4800/Senior Capstone: 4 credits
A minimum grade of C- is required for all classes applied towards major requirements.
Areas of Interest
COM2710/A Critical Look at Television in Society
COM3020/Law, Ethics, and the Media
COM3040/Mass Media: A Cultural History
COM3320/Documentary Production
COM3350/Persuasive Speaking
COM3365/Advanced Psychology of Communication
COM3375/Podcasting and Audio Storytelling
COM3720/TV Laboratory
COM4720/Advanced TV Laboratory
FLM3025/Documentary Filmmaking
HIS3687/Historia, Memoria e Identidad
HIS3855/Oral History Workshop
JOU3160/Broadcast News I
JOU3170/Broadcast News II
JOU3360/Narrative Nonfiction Podcasting
JOU3500/Video Journalism I
JOU4030/Socially Engaged Multimedia
JOU4040/Video Journalism II
LIT3025/Women in Film
MSA3020/Reality TV
NME2420/Video Art I
PHO3755/Introduction to Photoshop
PSW1010/Screenwriting I
PSW1050/Intro to Television Writing
PSW3120/The Writer and the Documentary
PSW3300/Writing for Television
PSW3400/The TV Writer’s Room
PSW3500/Writing the Web Series
AMG2300/Communicating the Arts
AMG3520/Marketing the Arts
AMG3610/Social Media and the Arts
COM2000/Spoken Word
COM2005/Public Speaking
COM2020/Visual Communication
COM2030/Sport Intercultural Communication
COM3020/Law, Ethics, and the Media
COM3040/Mass Media: A Cultural History
COM3120/Negotiation Skills
COM3130/Public Communication Campaigns
COM3300/Management and Communication
COM3350/Persuasive Speaking
COM3365/Advanced Psychology of Communication
COM3370/Crises Communication
COM3375/Podcasting and Audio Storytelling
COM3700/Teamwork Through Meetings
COM3701/The Business of Writing
COM3880/Integrated Marketing Communication
HIS3027/History’s Places and Spaces: Museums, Movies and Materials
HIS3575/History of Popular Culture in the United States