• Major
  • Minor
  • Major
  • BA
  • BS
  • BS

About the Program

Biology is an area of explosive scientific, intellectual, and technological advances.

Attention is focusing on the origin and evolution of living organisms (even their possible existence on other planets), the molecular mechanics of heredity, the processes of disease and immunity, the ecological balance among life forms, the effect of synthetic chemicals on molecular functions of the cell, the biological basis of behavior, and the extraordinary technologies for the creation of useful new characteristics in microorganisms, plants, and animals.

The biology program at Purchase College embodies the excitement of the dramatic advances in this rapidly expanding field. Students actively participate in the life sciences, studying and pursuing research with faculty who are active in their fields.

The biology program at Purchase College may be pursued from a variety of perspectives, and our majors are well prepared for graduate school, medical school, teaching, and careers with high-tech industries. Biology majors should be aware that, of all the natural sciences, biology is the least able to stand alone as a discipline; mathematics, physics, and especially chemistry are important for a meaningful appreciation of life processes. In consultation with a faculty advisor, the student will expand upon this base by choosing advanced subjects related to particular objectives. Advanced courses are offered in seven concentrations.

Biology courses are also challenging, rewarding, and immediately relevant studies for students in other disciplines. Students who major in other subjects and have a strong secondary interest in biology may consider a biology minor.