• Major
  • Minor
  • BA

Academic Requirements

In addition to meeting general education requirements and other degree requirements, all anthropology majors must complete the following requirements (35–39 credits):

  1. The following courses must be completed with a grade of C or higher:
    • ANT 1500/Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology: 3 credits
    • ANT 3150/Classics in Anthropological Literature: 4 credits (*offered in the spring)
    • ANT 3560/Fieldwork: Qualitative Methods: 4 credits (*offered in the fall)
    • ANT 4070/Current Anthropological Literature: 4 credits (*offered in the fall)
    • Four anthropology electives: 12–16 credits
  2. SPJ 4990/Senior Project I: 4 credits
  3. SPJ 4991/Senior Project II: 4 credits

Anthropology majors are encouraged to undertake an internship, study-abroad opportunity, or community-action independent study. Students may petition to take credit-bearing internships with anthropology faculty sponsors in lieu of one upper-level elective for the major.

Refer to The Senior Project for additional information.