New York State University Police

Our Hours Today:
24/7, Year-Round

The mission of the New York State University Police Department at Purchase College is to protect, educate, serve and cooperate with the campus community. We believe that successful policing involves collaboration between law enforcement and the community it serves and will work with all of our constituents to make Purchase College a safe and secure environment.


The New York State University Police is a full-time, year-round law enforcement agency that complies with the Federal Student Agency Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act (public law 101-542).


Contact Phone Number
Emergency (914) 251-6911
Non-Emergency (914) 251-6900
Anonymous (914) 251-6868
Counseling Center (914) 251-6390

Rape Crisis Hotline (Off-Campus)

(914) 345-9111
Health Services (914) 251-6380
Residence Life (914) 251-6320

Emergency Blue Light Phones


  • SUNY Chief's Association Award

    SUNY UPD Annual Awards for Professional Service

    SUNY Police Chief’s Annual Awards for Professional Service
  • University Police Officer Recognition

    Police Officers Recognized for Response to Medical Emergency

    On September 17 2019, NYS University Police Officers were recognized by Interim President Dennis Craig for their response to a medical emergency involving a local community member who suffered a cardiac medical episode while jogging on the campus of Purchase College. President Craig presented Officer Genaro Gonzalez, Officer Michael Boyd, and Lieutenant Tim Ludden with framed proclamations recognizing the officers for their dedication, their selfless service, and the lifesaving first aid they provided.

  • Brian Peterkin with Chief Tucker in front of new mural.

    Building Bridges with UPD and Campus Community

    Brian Peterkin ’18 unveiled the mural he created for the University Police Department to help build a bridge between UPD and the campus community.
  • Police officers gathered from around the region to learn about best practices in sexual assault investigations. Seen here: L to R: NYSP S...

    Purchase Hosts Local Police Officers for Special Training

    The State University Police, the State Police Campus Sexual Assault Unit, and the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office teamed up to host a sexual assault investigations course for local area police officers at Purchase College, SUNY August 2 and August 6.